Jesse Lynton

“Charlotte is your average young millennial woman; struggling with self identity, her relationships with her old-fashioned parents, and how much love is too much love when it comes to your best friend.” – Jesse Lynton

Jesse is making her first appearance with OpenStage Theatre as Charlotte. She is a graduate from The University of Wyoming’s theatre program, receiving her Bachelor of Fine Arts in musical theatre performance. Her acting experience began when she did several summer performances with The Arvada Center when she was 10. Her previous roles include Emilie du Chatelet in The Legacy of Light, the adult females in Spring Awakening, Ayah in The Secret Garden, and Lucrece in The Liar. She excited to be sharing her first OpenStage experience with such a phenomenal cast and is excited for future participation with the company.

The Mystery of Love and Sex

By Bathsheba Doran | Directed by Corinne Wieben 

“By the end you may feel giddy, as if you’d just stepped off a whirling theme-park ride.” The New York Times

Deep in the American South, Charlotte and Jonny have been best friends since they were nine. She’s Jewish, he’s Christian; he’s black, she’s white. Charlotte and Jonny definitely love each other – but not that way . . . or maybe that way. They might be moving in together. They might be getting married after college. Also, they both might be gay. Or bisexual. A compelling story of intricate relationships, The Mystery of Love and Sex is an explosive and contemporary look at race, sexual identity, and family dynamics. Contains mature language and themes.

September 14 – October 6

Jukebox Quilts | 406 N. College Ave

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Grant Support
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