OpenStage Theatre’s FAB Friday- Sponsored by Odell Brewing Company


OpenStage + Odell Brewing = FAB Friday

Let’s just get it out of the way. OpenStage Theatre & company is fabulous all on its own. But add a free beer at intermission?

Absolutely fabulous!

The first Friday of every Essential Season production is Fab Friday. OpenStage Theatre & Company and Odell Brewing Company have joined together to make a special evening out that much more, well, fabulous. (Please bear with us. We can’t help but repeat ourselves.)

“It’s our way to give something back to the people who support us, and do it in a way that is just plain fun,” says Denise Freestone, cofounder and Producing Artistic Director of Northern Colorado’s oldest theatre company. “It’s the perfect night out.” FAB Friday nearly always sells out and is a favorite of OpenStage patrons. Not only does the audience member get a complimentary libation, the ticket cost is up to 30 percent less than for the other performances in the run.


In addition to FAB Friday, OpenStage Theatre & Company hosts Student Night, which is also the final dress rehearsal, exposes the next generation of theatre goers to live stage performances at no cost. “We’re building the audiences of the future,” explains Denise.

Offering this opportunity to young people goes far beyond nurturing budding audiences. According to the New York Times, studies show that students who attend artistic events “demonstrate stronger critical thinking skills, displayed higher levels of social tolerance, exhibited greater historical empathy and developed a taste for art museums and cultural institutions.”

Student Night is a boon to educators as well, points out Denise. These teachers spend many, many extra hours outside the classroom teaching theatre right on the stage. For them, Student Night is a well-deserved evening out to see top notch theatre productions right in their own backyard. Sharing the experience with their students opens up all sorts of opportunities for classroom discussions.

Typically, the students who attend Student Night already have an interest in theatre and are often involved in their school’s theatre programs. Attending a final dress rehearsal gives them the added opportunity of being a professional theatre company in action. “We’re still ironing out the final kinks that night,” explains Denise. “Sometimes, things go wrong. And the students get to see how the cast and crew solve these last-minute problems. It opens a window on the entire process. They are also one of our most enthusiastic crowds. They are so open and responsive—it’s such a joy to work with them.”

Upcoming FAB Fridays

The Crucible by Arthur Miller– FAB Friday: Jan 26th

And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie– FAB Friday: Apr 6th

The Comedy of Errors by William Shakespeare– FAB Friday: Jun 8th 


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