Show History

Journey through the past.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ac purus sit amet augue posuere semper quis at mi. Nullam odio velit, aliquam at nisl non, rutrum placerat arcu. Morbi ac interdum purus, in mattis ante. Nullam vulputate blandit mi, eget tincidunt arcu ornare ultricies. Sed faucibus lorem id rutrum vestibulum.


Season One


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ac purus sit amet augue posuere semper quis at mi. Nullam odio velit, aliquam at nisl non, rutrum placerat arcu.


Six Years Old
Heart of the Revolution
Another Play

Season Two


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ac purus sit amet augue posuere semper quis at mi. Nullam odio velit, aliquam at nisl non, rutrum placerat arcu.


Six Years Old
Heart of the Revolution
Another Play

Dev notes:

  • No matter the amount of content – the two blocks in the same row should be the same height.
  • Nothing clicks from here – you can’t even click the shows to see more about the show (just static text)
  • The image should be a maximum of 150px tall (she didn’t want it taking up too much vertical space)
  • Please auto-size the image so it works for the space (as much as you can). I will still tell her to make a more horizontally composed image for this though. If you can just have it focus in the vertical and horizontal center, I think that should work well. Please also have a “default” background image so if they forget to upload an image, there is something still there.
  • So it’s pretty simple – just featured image, title, subtitle, description, and shows – it would be cool if you could just add the shows like you can currently for the season.
Grant Support
Season Sponsors
Grant Support
Season Sponsors